Sunday, September 4, 2016

Final Post for Daniel Study. All Materials & Audio Now Online

Hi Everyone!

Our study has concluded, but all the materials are still available online.  This includes handouts, study notes, audio recordings of every session, slides, and now, my complete set of teaching notes are available as a single file, or chapter by chapter.

Written materials for the whole study can be found on the shared drive here:

Or the Facebook page in the Files area here:

The audio is available on the NightLight Ministries YouTube channel in its own playlist here:

Please note that the final recording has a glitch in the middle of it where several minutes are missing due to the batteries running dead and me not noticing.  My apologies for that. All the rest of the audio is intact and online.

A big thanks to everyone who participated in any way with our study.  It was a joy to fellowship over the Word with everyone.

Blessings, Grace, and Peace


P.S. If you have any issues with the online files, please let me know ASAP. 

P.P.S As always, if you have any questions over the study material or anything else about the Bible I might be able to help with, please don't hesitate to ask. 

Friday, August 5, 2016

Daniel Chapter-8 Materials (Parts 1 & 2) Now Online

Hi Everyone!

Written materials for all of chapter-8 (Handouts, Slides, and Teaching Notes) can be found on the shared drive here:

Or the Facebook page in the Files area here:

The audio is available on the NightLight Ministries YouTube channel here:

The plan is to return to our regular location next week (Higgins' house) for Chapter-9 - the famous "70 Week Prophecy" that many Bible scholars consider to be the most important prophecy in the entire Bible and the key to understanding all other End Times prophecy.  Hope you can join us!

Please continue to keep our study and our group members in prayer.

Have a wonderful weekend, 


Friday, July 22, 2016

Daniel Ch-7 Materials: "The Vision of the 4 Terrible Beasts"

Hi Everyone!

Written materials (Handouts, Slides, and Teaching Notes) can be found on the shared drive here:

Or the Facebook page in the Files area here:

The audio is available on the NightLight Ministries YouTube channel here:

Thanks everyone who turned out to the new location.  It seemed to work out really well!  We had plenty of room, and the big projector screen worked well.  We'll be there for the next 2 weeks as well.

Grand Oaks Apartments clubhouse at 7215 Grand Ritz Ln., Indianapolis, IN 46237

Please continue to keep our study and our group members in prayer.

Have a wonderful weekend, 


Friday, July 15, 2016

Daniel Week 8 Materials - Ch-6: "Daniel in the Lions' Den"

Hi everyone!

Sorry for the delay in getting this out.  All materials and the audio are now available from this past Wednesday's study in chapter 6.  

Written materials (Handouts, Slides, and Teaching Notes) can be found on the shared drive here:

Or the Facebook page in the Files area here:

The audio is available on the NightLight Ministries YouTube channel here:

We had a relatively small group due to the weather again, but this study marked the half-way point through the book of Daniel!  If you weren't able to catch it, I encourage you to at least look at the 2 handouts.  The second one in particular presents my own view regarding the symbolism ("typology") of this chapter representing the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ very powerfully. 

IMPORTANT: Remember, next week (7/20), we'll be at our new location - the Grand Oaks apartments clubhouse at 7215 Grand Ritz Ln., Indianapolis, IN 46237

There is a sheet with map, directions, address, etc. in the "Admin" section of the shared drive if you click on the first link above. 

Have a wonderful weekend, 


Friday, July 8, 2016

Daniel Week 7 Materials - Chapter-5: The Handwriting on the Wall (The Fall of Babylon)


Thanks to all who were able to make it to our study on Wednesday.

I hope it was an enjoyable lesson, I'm sure it was difficult to tell, but I was really excited about it.  Ha ha.  I really enjoyed putting this one together and teaching it.  I just love how much information we have, both from the Bible as well as outside archeological and literary sources to put together such an incredibly detailed and dramatic picture of the events of that specific night over 2500 years ago!

As usual, the written materials from Wednesday's study (Handouts, Slides, and Teaching Notes) can be found on the shared drive here:

Or the Facebook page in the Files area here:

The audio is available on the NightLight Ministries YouTube channel here:

I'm looking forward to next week with our final chapter from the "historical" section of the book with the famous story of "Daniel in the Lion's Den"!

Please remember to be in prayer for all our members and especially those who are wrestling with illnesses, pregnancies, new jobs, and other "life" challenges and opportunities.

"And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose." -- Romans 8:28
Grace and Peace,


Friday, July 1, 2016

Daniel Week 6 Materials (side study): Babylon

Hello everyone;

Thanks to all who were able to make it to our study on Wednesday.  My apologies for taking so long to get these files uploaded, but everything is now available.

I decided to depart from our regular chapter-a-week schedule in order to fit in this important topic.  Babylon (the city) has been a central character in the Book of Daniel from chapter 1 and continues to play an extremely important role in the rest of the book as well as the entire Bible - which could be called a "tale of two cities" with focus on both Jerusalem (the city of God) and Babylon (the city of Man).

The written materials from Wednesday night's study (Handouts, Slides, and Teaching Notes) can be found on the shared drive here:

Or the Facebook page in the Files area here:

The audio is available on the NightLight Ministries YouTube channel here:

Grace and Peace,


Thursday, June 23, 2016

Daniel Week 5 Materials - Chapter-4: The King's Testimony

Hello everyone;

I really enjoyed last night's study and fellowship and would like to thank everyone who was able to make it.  The weather was looking a little iffy at the beginning, but the Lord heard a number of prayers that I know were sent up and it turned out to be a beautiful evening.

Our study last night (week 5) brought us to Daniel chapter-4 - a truly amazing chapter actually written by King Nebuchadnezzar himself after what very much appears to be his "conversion". This may be the only chapter in the Old Testament, and possibly, the only chapter in the whole Bible written by a Gentile (non-Jew) - and by none other than King Neb. himself as he comes to know and worship God in a profoundly personal and ... I think ... eternal way.

The materials from last night's study (Handouts, Slides, and Teaching Notes) are now available on the shared drive here:

Or through the Facebook page in the Files area here:

The audio is available on the NightLight YouTube channel here:

Grace and Peace,


Thursday, June 16, 2016

Daniel Week 4 Materials - Chapter-3: The Fiery Furnace

Hello everyone;

Last night's turn out was really small due to the weather (which was particularly nasty at the time everyone needed to be traveling).  I'm glad everyone stayed safe!  We had a fun time with some worship and studying chapter 3 together.

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego in the Fiery Furnace is one of those most memorable and colorful Bible stories and a joy to study.  But it's also an important "Type" or prophetic story that points to the events of the Great Tribulation and the End Times where the very same Fourth Man will again rescue His people from the hands of the Antichrist and the attacks of their enemies.

The materials from last night's study (Handouts, Slides, and Teaching Notes) are now available on the shared drive here:

Or through the Facebook page in the Files area here:

The audio will be available in both locations also, but it will be later tonight.

Grace and Peace,


Thursday, June 9, 2016

Week 3 (Chapter 2) Documents & Audio Now Available

Hello Everyone!

The Week-3 materials are now all posted from last night's study in Daniel Chapter 2:  Nebuchadnezzar's Dream.

The audio files are available on YouTube (no video, sorry) here:

And all the documents:

  • Handouts,
  • Class notes,
  • Slides, and
  • My teaching notes

Are available on the shared drive here:

Thanks for following!


P.S.  If you're on Facebook and haven't found us there yet, join us at:

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Daniel Study 2016 Home Fellowship - Links for Materials

Hello all;

For those of you new to this blog, NightLight Ministries is the name I've given to gather together all my various teaching materials.  It was first established in about 1987 when I was a youth pastor and has been used to publish materials and conduct various events ever since.  Nothing big.  I'm using it now to publish links and convey information regarding our current home fellowship Bible study through the book of Daniel.

If you're not on Facebook or would just prefer to follow here instead, this blog will mirror all the same materials, links, and info.

There are 2 primary links that will be used for all our materials - which will include handouts, teaching notes, audio recordings (maybe video at some point), slides, and various administrative info (such as schedules and snack rosters, etc.).

First, the YouTube Channel for NightLight Ministries (NLM) has all the audio/video recordings here:


The first two week's audio files have been uploaded there.

The second link of importance is to all the files (both documents and the audio recordings) on my Google Drive and accessible through this link:


Each week, these same locations will be updated with new documents and audio files as we go, so the links should always work the same, but I'll post a new note as soon as I upload the new files each week as a reminder.  You can subscribe to this blog to get notifications (emails) whenever a new post is made.

Thanks for joining us on this journey through the exciting and amazing book of Daniel!


P.S.  If you'd prefer to follow along on Facebook instead, the mirroring group is located here: